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Home » Mirrorless cameras

Mirrorless cameras

Mirrorless cameras, also known as mirrorless cameras, are a category of digital cameras that have gained significant popularity in recent years. They represent an evolution of traditional digital cameras, known as DSLRs (single lens and digital reflex cameras).


The fundamental feature that differentiates mirrorless cameras from DSLRs is the absence of a reflective mirror and a pentaprism optical system. On DSLRs, the mirror reflects the light that enters through the lens to the optical viewfinder, providing the photographer with a direct view of what the camera lens is seeing. However, the mirror needs to move quickly up and down to allow the capture of an image, which can generate noise and delay.


In mirrorless cameras, this reflective mirror and the pentaprism optical system have been removed. Instead, the light passes directly through the lens and reaches the image sensor, which can be a full-size (full-frame) image sensor or a smaller sensor, such as APS-C or Micro Four Thirds. The live view is displayed in the electronic viewfinder (EVF) or on the rear LCD screen of the camera, allowing the photographer to see a real-time digital representation of the scene.


Mirrorless cameras offer several advantages, including:


Reduced Size and Weight: Without the mirror and pentaprism system, mirrorless cameras tend to be more compact and lighter than DSLRs, making them ideal for travel and street photography.


Real-Time Visualization: EVF allows accurate viewing of exposure, white balance and real-time effects, helping photographers adjust settings before capturing the image.


Advanced Video Recording: Many mirrorless cameras offer high-quality video recording features, including 4K resolution and manual control options.

Fast Auto Focus Performance: Many of this cameras use fast and accurate autofocus systems, making them ideal for capturing action and sports photography.


Adaptability: these cameras often allow the adaptation of a variety of lenses, including DSLR mount lenses, through adapters.


They offer a versatile alternative to traditional DSLRs, meeting the needs of amateur and professional photographers. They continue to evolve with technological advances, becoming increasingly popular in the world of digital photography.

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