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Home » Blog » Content creator in 2023

Last Updated: March 25, 2024

The world of content marketing is constantly evolving, with dominant trends coming and going. I myself notice that practices that were effective yesterday may no longer be as effective today and tomorrow. Therefore, it is crucial to know the current and emerging trends so that you stand out in the crowd and be a good Content Creator in 2023. In this article, we will examine the main content creation trends for 2023 and take a more detailed look at the content niches that are set to dominate next year.


1. Short-form video

In the current media environment, video is king. The average user now watches 19 hours of video content every week. But video is not a new trend – most marketers already know how important it is.


The video is the main channel for B2B marketing and the new hot trend is the short-lived video. TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts are now some of the most popular media for brands, thanks to the decrease in consumer attention. In fact, short-lived video accounts for 80% of all mobile data traffic.


The short video is also great for your brand. You can produce more content in less time – in addition, viewers are more likely to engage with a shorter video that goes straight to the point.


In 2023, brands will need to keep their video content at 10 minutes or less. And 10 minutes is still a long time, so maybe you should follow the example of TikTok and keep your videos with less than a minute. You can always choose to shoot a longer video and divide it into small stretches to save time.


2. Conteúdo com foco na empatia e no humano

Houve um tempo em que os consumidores queriam que as empresas parecessem profissionais e formais. Isso não será suficiente em 2023. Após a pandemia de COVID-19, os consumidores não querem sentir que existem barreiras entre eles e as marcas que gostam.

Evita produzir material focado nos negócios ou distante. O teu conteúdo precisa deixar claro que te conectas com os teus clientes – caso contrário, ele não será relevante para o seu público. Invista na relação, emoções e empatia. Essa é a chave para construir conexões reais com seus seguidores.

Isso não é apenas sobre criar conteúdo que faz sentir bem.Quase 95% dos consumidores são mais leais a marcas que são transparentes e genuínas – e 75% pagariam mais para apoiar marcas genuínas. Se tu queres conquistar apoio real com seus clientes, o conteúdo focado no humano é essencial.

Isso também significa que deves parar de usar discursos de vendas fortes e linguagem de venda. Encontra a tua voz natural e abrace-a. Se isso significa ajustar as tuas diretrizes de marca ou tom de voz, faça as alterações necessárias. Fala com os teus clientes de humano para humano. Podes-te associar a um influenciador ou embaixador da marca para realmente reforçar esse ponto.


3. SEO estratégico

O SEO tem sido importante desde o surgimento do Google. Mas não podes apenas jogar um monte de palavras-chave em um post de blog ou otimizar tags e chamar isso de SEO. Os mecanismos de busca estão ficando mais inteligentes, e precisas ajustar o teu jogo de SEO para 2023.

Embora essa tendência de marketing de conteúdo possa tornar a tua vida um pouco mais difícil, se queres realmente ter um bom desempenho na pesquisa, precisas analisar a tua estratégia de SEO.

Primeiro, escreva para as pessoas antes dos mecanismos de busca. Parece contra-intuitivo, mas os mecanismos de busca descobriram o que os usuários querem. Na verdade, muitos profissionais de marketing estão agora focando na criação de conteúdo de alta qualidade e relevância que atenda às necessidades dos clientes e deixando que o Google eleve organicamente esse conteúdo ao topo. A ideia é usar palavras-chave estratégicas para aparecer na primeira página e depois deixar a qualidade do conteúdo falar por si só.

Em vez de criares uma tentativa carregada de palavras-chave de classificar para uma consulta, precisas tornar-te a autoridade em um tópico. Esforça-te para ser o melhor recurso sobre qualquer tópico que estejas a abordar. Em vez de olhares apenas para o ranking do teu URL, concentra-te nas taxas de cliques e métricas de engajamento. É isso que os mecanismos de busca se importam em 2023.


4. Receita impulsionada pelo conteúdo

Content is not just a brand tool or a means of bringing buyers into your funnel. In 2023, brands will use content as a way to generate revenue. This means that you are not just a brand – you are a media company and influencer as well.


Treats content creation as a separate sector of the business with its own revenue generation opportunities. Whether charging membership fees to access your content or monetizing through the TikTok creator fund, you can generate revenue from your high-quality content.


Treat this as if it were a new business venture. That can mean:

  • Create a careful strategy that directs users to pay for content, not just for your products
  • Launch buyable content that allows customers to make a purchase directly from a piece of content
  • Define and track performance KPIs for content marketing efforts and treat them as seriously as you would treat ad spending


5. Value-oriented content created for customers

Stop creating content that no one consumes. In 2023, the content must meet the customer’s needs and add value to their experience. Brands are creating so much content today that users simply don’t have time for substandard things. They will only interact with your content if they think it is really useful.


Customization is the solution. This allows you to adapt the content directly to the desires and needs of specific customers. It is the only way to ensure that you will deliver content to the audience that thinks it is most valuable.


Of course, you can’t do that without data. Keep track of your audience’s needs through an intelligent CRM or data solution so you can build a content strategy around what people really care about.


6. User experience matters

It’s not that the user experience never mattered. It’s just that consumers have higher expectations today than ever. You can have the best content in the world – but if it provides a bad user experience, it simply will not perform well.


This means that you need to prioritize the user experience in terms of:

  • Page speed
  • Mobile performance
  • Coerous style and voice
  • Image positioning.
  • Image quality

Personalization also comes into play here. When you provide customers with content that solves their biggest problems, they are more likely to have a positive experience.


If you’re not sure which UX changes matter most, try to test A/B. As long as you test only one variable at a time, you will learn which resources your audience likes best.


7. High-quality searched content

People are worried about misleading news and misinformation. It’s not enough just to make a statement – users want to see insights backed by data. That’s why they crave high-quality and well-researched content. Infographics add another element of style and professionalism that will certainly catch the attention of customers.


It’s okay to write content based on the research of another company, but having your own internal resources will make your material stand out immediately. In addition, other sites will link to your search as a source, which can give you a serious boost in SEO and authority.

8. Takes advantage of data, AI, automation and the metaverse

This is one of the biggest – and scariest – content trends of 2023. Although the essence of your content probably does not change from one year to the next, the technology available to create that content is evolving rapidly.

The technology allows you to gather an immense amount of data, which can help you hyperpersonalize the content and get more results.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can create content or complement your existing content, allowing brands to generate more material in less time. AI is not yet good enough to write all your original content, but it can certainly help marketers generate more content in less time.

Automation is a smart way to simplify certain aspects of content production as well (an example of this is ManyChat, a very strong artificial intelligence in automation for social networking platforms). Simple settings such as IFTTT, Zapier, Manychat can move content tasks and automatically generate video subtitles and more.

Although it’s still early, many other emerging technologies can improve your content. AR, VR and the metaverse are viable only for large companies at the moment, but it is good to plan for these platforms so that they become more accessible.


Technology and consumer expectations may change, but 2023 has still been a remarkable year for content marketing. Brands have had a renewed focus on bringing human connection to the digital experience.


9. Podcasts are still dominant

The great boom in podcasting has already happened, but this sector is still growing every year. In fact, U.S. consumers listened to 15 billion hours of podcasts in 2021. Podcasts are also an incredibly effective way to boost sales, as 60% of listeners report looking for a product after hearing about it in a podcast.

Like other content marketing trends, it is important to approach podcasts as a way to deliver value to your customers. Don’t focus too much on the sales pitch – instead, offer useful information or entertainment so that your listeners have a reason to stay.

If you want to take a look at my old project “Conversa Fiada” (in pt), a global podcast that addresses content from several generations and very rich in information about our current society. It opens on Spotify and listens while you perform other tasks.

10. Necessary equipment

Of course, we couldn’t close this article without talking about the Equipment. Since astronomical investments are not necessary, in 2023 the investment that creators make in their professional cameras is increasingly noticeable.

However, in addition to the cameras, there are two crucial elements that make all the difference: lighting and quality audio.

1. Adequate Lighting:

  • Lighting is essential. Natural light is a great option. Position yourself near a well-lit window to obtain smooth and uniform lighting.
  • If natural light is not available, consider investing in affordable artificial lighting, such as light rings or softboxes. Good lighting works wonders for the visual quality of your content.

2. Audio Quality:

  • Don’t underestimate the importance of audio. A bad sound can drive viewers away, even if the image is good.
  • Invests in an external microphone, even if it is a basic model. This will reduce background noise and ensure clear and clear audio quality. (See our article on the best current microphones on the market for content creators here).

Image of our blog article

11. Consistency is important

The quality of the content is absolutely important, but it is also your publication schedule. It’s hard to keep up with posts when you’re putting more effort into your content, but you have to make it work.

The good news is that you don’t need to post something every day. As long as you commit to quality and publish on a predictable schedule, your content will have results.

Consumers lost a lot of confidence in brands and institutions during the pandemic. Consistency is something they are wanting now, so it gives them in the form of regular content creation. The last thing you want to do is tell users when they can expect new content from you and then disappoint them when you are left behind.



Content creation in 2023 will be all about staying ahead of the curve. With the rapid evolution of trends and increasing competition, it is essential to keep up to date with the latest trends and adapt your content strategy accordingly. Whether you are producing short or long-term content, the ultimate goal should always be to provide value to your audience and meet their needs in the best possible way.

*(Some articles may have been written or structured with Artificial Intelligence, but they were all reviewed, improved and rewritten by a Human.)

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